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10 Basement Bathroom Ideas & Design Tips (with Pictures)

bathroom ideas

bathroom ideas

When designing a basement bathroom, there are many different ways you can go about it. Sometimes, it can be hard to choose between so many different ideas. Other times, it can be difficult to come up with ideas in the first place. It seems like there is nothing between these two extremes!

In this article, we’ll provide you with 10 of the best basement bathroom design ideas. Hopefully, this article will help your heart figure out what idea is best for your bathroom or help your wheels get turning if you’re having trouble coming up with design ideas.

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1. Industrial

When it comes to basement bathrooms, industrial styles seem to fit. Pipes, sharp lines, and chrome are the name of the game when it comes to this style. If you already have pipes and things appear in your bathroom, which sometimes happens in your basement, then this is a great way to make those pipes part of the design – not just an eyesore.

2. Victorian

Victorian styles are not as popular when it comes to basements, but it does work sometimes. Try some gold accents, ornate rugs, and plenty of marble. Claw-foot tubes are an excellent option for this style as well. Also, consider adding jewel accents to your tube and sink as well.

If you’re looking for a striking bathroom, use this style to add a little class to your basement.

3. Use Minimalism

There is no reason to go all-out on a basement bathroom if you don’t want to. Instead, feel free to choose simple styling and straight lines. Sometimes, a minimalistic bathroom looks better than one full of ornamentation. Plus, this also makes the bathroom cheaper, which is sometimes the goal when you’re fixing up the basement.

4. Embrace Open Space

Basements can often seem quite closed-in. They may have lower ceilings than you’d like, and most do not have windows. In your bathroom, embrace some open space if you have the extra room. Focus on the beauty of the materials you use in your bathroom over adding extra decorations.

In other words, don’t add in a massive shower if you don’t need it! Sometimes the extra space is better than clutter. Don’t try to fill up every square inch.

5. Try Some Tapestries

Tapestries are not the usual thing you find in bathrooms. However, basements can tend to feel quite cold and bleak. Tapestries – or an ornate shower curtain – are an easy way to make the room feel a bit cozier.

They look outstanding when paired with wood accents, like baskets. Don’t pair too many patterns, though. Focus on just one style or a few similarly-printed rugs or tapestries if you’re going to use more than one.

6. Focus on Craftsmanship

It can be easy to focus on filling your bathroom with every pretty thing you find. However, we recommend focusing on craftmanship instead. Choose just a few things that are high-quality and impressive as decorations. When it comes to choosing a tube, sink, or shower, focus on craftsmanship as well.

Simply changing out a few appliances with high-quality options can make your bathroom an oasis.

7. Don’t Go Overboard on the Beach Theme

Theming bathrooms after the beach is quite popular. Most of us have gone to the beach and probably have a few knick-knacks. It may seem like a simple idea to shove all those knick-knacks in the bathroom and call it a day. However, many people go overboard with the stuff when designing their bathroom in a beach style.

Don’t use all the shells. Just use one high-quality option. Choose watery hues and a beach painting, but don’t try to see how many different blues you can fit in one space.

8. Choose a Unique Tub

If you’re putting a tub in your bathroom, make it something unique. A tub often becomes the centerpiece of a bathroom, so it must look the part. Don’t go with whatever bargain option you can find. If you have any extra money at all, spend it on your tub.

9. Try Some Wood

Many people choose to use a lot of white and metals in their bathroom. But wood accents and appliances can surprise you. This is often called the “Asian style,” though it works great no matter where you live. Pair it with a few craftsman metals or chrome pieces, and you’ll have a show-stopping bathroom.

10. Comfort

Bathrooms don’t have to be full of hard furniture. Short chairs and stools can be very inviting and bring life into an otherwise dull bathroom. Plus, this is an efficient design element. Not only are you bringing a new piece of décor into your bathroom, but now you have somewhere else to sit.

Plushy chairs pair best with wood tones and warmer colors. You’re going for a cozy atmosphere.

For more basement ideas check out these posts:


Featured Image: CyprusVillas, Pixabay


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